
Our mission

We help people get the right jobs and employers find the right employees, reducing economic insecurity for "blue collar" workers around the world.

Match candidates and employer with powerful automation and AI.

Our goal is to become the European leader in Blue Collar digital sourcing and, to do so, we have developed an easy-to-use and flexible programmatic job advertising engine.

Our mission

We help people get the right jobs and employers find the right employees

We want to reduce economic insecurity for "blue collar" workers around the world, matching candidates and employers with powerful automation and AI.

Our goal is to become the European leader in Blue Collar digital sourcing and, to do so, we have developed an easy-to-use and flexible programmatic job advertising engine.

Our values

A set of values that sets us apart

With no shared values, there is no team. In Jobtome, we have identified a set of 5 values that define who we are as a team and how we approach daily challenges.

Make an impact

We believe that to leave a mark there is nothing better than working aligned toward the same goal. We base our actions on data and numbers and know that success comes with sustainable long-term growth.

Hack the status quo

We think outside the box, never taking anything for granted. We love trying new things and learning from our successes and mistakes because our fear of errors is far less significant than our fear of letting growing opportunities pass.

Be positive and spread energy

We see opportunities everywhere we look, not obstacles. We embrace a positive attitude balancing hard work and great fun, and we believe in the power of a cohesive team, ready to share experiences and skills!

Get out of the building

We strive for continuous improvements and thus use the market as a starting point to learn, grow and add value to our activities. We talk with our stakeholders and daily question the market to gain the insight we need to improve our work and product.

Take care of each other

Teamwork makes the dream work. We support and help each other, share ideas and experiences, and greatly value honesty with ourselves and with others. We base what we do on respect and appreciation for what we have and create a fun and dynamic workspace for everyone.

Who we are

About us

Jobtome was founded in 2014, it is based in Stabio, Switerland, and has experienced double-digit growth. Now with a team of over 60 people, Jobtome offers more than 25 million job offers every month in 34 different countries thanks to solid partnerships with globally renowned companies.

In 2021, with the acquisition by Gi Group, Jobtome doubled-down its investments in a new programmatic job advertising platform: Hirematic. An AI powered solution designed large employer to sclale-up their digital candidate sourcing initiatives.

Jobtome team sailing at the seaside with oars in their hands